Ernesto blogas Posts

If you want to split unit and integration tests in Kotlin and Gradle, do the following: And, that’s it 🙂 If unit tests fail, integration tests won’t be run. Problem solved 🙂


Norisi ko nors aštriau prie šašlykų? Galime pasidaryti ar nusipirkti padažo. Tačiau galime ir pasimarinuoti aštrių svogūnų. Pabandykime, tikrai verta. Rezultatas atrodys maždaug taip: Mums reikės: Svogūnus supjaustyti pusžiedžiais, papriką supjaustyti griežinėliais (nepamirškite išimti sėklų), sudėkite juos į stiklainį sluoksniais (aš naudojau stiklainį…

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Galvoju, kepame šašlykus ir šalia jų naudojame pomidorų padažą arba kečiupą. Galima ir taip… Tačiau turbūt visada norisi ko nors geriau, tiesa? Pabandykime susimaišyti padažą prieš šašlykų patys! Va tokį: Mums reikės: Smulkiai smulkiai supjaustykite svogūną, sudėkite pomidorus, smulkiai smulkiai supjaustykite baziliką ir…

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Raspberry Pi ships with a bit old version of Python – 3.9. What to do, if you want to upgrade to the newer version? The only way is to download sources and compile ’em. In my case, I want to upgrade to Python…


Home Assistant is a great tool if you want to automate your home. However, there are slight issues with it. Based on official installation instructions, we see that we should run the Docker container or our Raspberry Pi as follows: Note the –network=host…


nvm is a great tool if you want to have multiple NodeJS versions . But what if you want to have nvm as a Docker image and use it? Well, you can do something like this in your Dockerfile:


You want to make some cocktails, but not sure where / how to start? Well, take at these tips: Some basics: If you’re not sure what to do, you can start with: Some misc tips:


Are you making a cocktail party? Are you googling for cocktails, their ingredients and proportions? No need, I got you covered. I’ve prepared list of cocktails with their ingredients and recipes in a single, easy to read format. Here you go: Cuba Libre…


I have encountered the following problem: Nasty thing. It says, that HikariCP can not acquire a new database connection and it gave up after some 30 seconds. Where is the problem? Let’s try to simulate the problem. We want to query database and…


A while ago we’d created docker-compose.yml for Kafka and Zookeper. Today I’ve noticed the problem with the old configuration – it looks like it does not work properly with Test Containers. So, I have replaced the old configuration with Confluent’s Kafka and Zookeeper:…
