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If you’ve ever exchanged money or traded currencies, you’ve encountered the bid/ask spread—even if you didn’t realize it! But what does it mean, and why does it matter? 👉 The Basics:The bid price is the highest price a buyer is willing to pay,…


Mane truputį patraukė prie itališkos virtuvės 🙂 Ir vienas iš žinomiausių (?) itališkų gėrimų yra Limoncello – citrinų užpiltinė. Esu ragavęs pirktos iš parduotuvės, bet pagalvojau, kad būtų įdomu pasigaminti šį gėrimą namuose. Tad, taip ir padariau 🙂 Apibendrinant – vertėjo! Sudėtis: Paimkite…

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Pagalvojau, kad laikas išsikepti ką nors naujo ir skanaus. Pavyzdžiui, naują šašlykų receptą. Bandome: Supjaustome svogūnus griežinėliais, sumetam į indą, užbarstome druskos (nepagailėkit). Rankomis TVIRTAI suspaudome svogūnus, kol jie taps minkštoki ir tokie šlapi – reiškia, išsispyrė sultys. Gerai. Paimame petražoles, nupjaustome blogus…

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I am working on a project, which has some issues with tests. Basically, they all run quite slow and I was curious, how can I improve the performance of these tests? Well, one improvement is simple – run tests in parallel. Of course,…


My Spring Boot application uses Gradle. And I want to display latest git tag (which represents my application version) during application startup. What I came up with, was quite an easy solution. Version information can be picked up from MANIFEST.MF file, that’s inside…



I want to install Home Assistant on my Raspberry Pi and I have followed the official instructions: However, I had very little luck. So, I had decided to make my own instructions on how to install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi. First…


A while ago I’ve written an article about Git and semantic versioning. All is cool and nice, but what if you don’t need that much complex stuff and just need a simple, minor version increase ? Well, you can do like this: Simple…
