If you want to split unit and integration tests in Kotlin and Gradle, do the following:
- Create a folder src/integrationTest/kotlin
- Add the following to your build.gradle.kts:
sourceSets {
create("integrationTest") {
kotlin {
compileClasspath += main.get().output + configurations.testRuntimeClasspath + test.get().output
runtimeClasspath += output + compileClasspath
val integrationTest = task<Test>("integrationTest") {
description = "Runs the integration tests"
group = "verification"
testClassesDirs = sourceSets["integrationTest"].output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets["integrationTest"].runtimeClasspath
tasks.check {
- Move all your integration tests to src/integrationTest/kotlin
And, that’s it 🙂
If unit tests fail, integration tests won’t be run. Problem solved 🙂
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