Category: <span>Programavimas</span>



I am working on a project, which has some issues with tests. Basically, they all run quite slow and I was curious, how can I improve the performance of these tests? Well, one improvement is simple – run tests in parallel. Of course,…


My Spring Boot application uses Gradle. And I want to display latest git tag (which represents my application version) during application startup. What I came up with, was quite an easy solution. Version information can be picked up from MANIFEST.MF file, that’s inside…



I want to install Home Assistant on my Raspberry Pi and I have followed the official instructions: However, I had very little luck. So, I had decided to make my own instructions on how to install Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi. First…


If you want to split unit and integration tests in Kotlin and Gradle, do the following: And, that’s it 🙂 If unit tests fail, integration tests won’t be run. Problem solved 🙂


Raspberry Pi ships with a bit old version of Python – 3.9. What to do, if you want to upgrade to the newer version? The only way is to download sources and compile ’em. In my case, I want to upgrade to Python…


Home Assistant is a great tool if you want to automate your home. However, there are slight issues with it. Based on official installation instructions, we see that we should run the Docker container or our Raspberry Pi as follows: Note the –network=host…


nvm is a great tool if you want to have multiple NodeJS versions . But what if you want to have nvm as a Docker image and use it? Well, you can do something like this in your Dockerfile:
