If you use Liquibase in your project, at some point you might want to add index to your tables. Something like:
create index concurrently if not exists some_index_name_idx
on table_name (some_field_id);
But you would get an error, saying that “CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY cannot run inside a transaction block”. After some googling you find this: https://docs.liquibase.com/concepts/changelogs/attributes/run-in-transaction.html
And you modify your scripts by adding runInTransaction=”false”:
// If using xml syntax
<changeSet id="1" author="name_here" runInTransaction="false">
<sql>create index concurrently if not exists some_index_name_idx
on table_name (some_field_id);</sql>
However, as for SQL version of scripts, it should work like this:
// SQL syntax
--changeset your.name:1 runInTransaction:false
create index concurrently if not exists some_index_name_idx
on table_name (some_field_id);
But it does not work – you get the same error “CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY cannot run inside a transaction block”.
The solution is to add one more line to the file:
// SQL syntax - note the next line
--liquibase formatted sql
--changeset your.name:1 runInTransaction:false
create index concurrently if not exists some_index_name_idx
on table_name (some_field_id);
Now everything works as expected.
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