Ernesto blogas Posts

I had a slight issue, of how to start MySQL server by using Docker Compose. So, I came up with the following configuration: Works 🙂


I have just started working with a Gradle project, that needs a simple way of incrementing its version. And I came up with a simple solution. Project’s version is following the standard: major.minor.patch. So, first of all create a file that looks…


In order to run GitLab and GitLab Runner on your local PC, simplest way is to create docker-compose.yml file and add the following content to it: Once it’s up and running, you can access GitLab via http://localhost/ by using username root and the…



One day I got tired of entering ssh Because my username is the same on all the servers. So, what I did – I’ve created a file and added a default username for the servers: $ cat ~/.ssh/configCanonicalizeHostname yesHost * User mycoolusername…


You create a tag in GIT, accidentally pushed it into remote repository. But after some time you understood that you don’t want it. So, how can you remove a tag in GIT? You can do this easily by:git tag -d NAME_OF_YOUR_BAD_TAGgit push origin…


You have edited one file in GIT version control system and you want to reset (revert) changes in this file. How can you do that? Everything is simple: use checkout — in the command line. For instance:


Geriausiai tiesą į akis sakyti telefonu.


Knygyne: – Man reikalinga knyga “Vyras – moterų valdovas”. – FantastikÄ… parduoda kitame skyriuje!


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