Author: <span>Ernestas Kardzys</span>

Home Assistant is a great tool if you want to automate your home. However, there are slight issues with it. Based on official installation instructions, we see that we should run the Docker container or our Raspberry Pi as follows: Note the –network=host…


nvm is a great tool if you want to have multiple NodeJS versions . But what if you want to have nvm as a Docker image and use it? Well, you can do something like this in your Dockerfile:


You want to make some cocktails, but not sure where / how to start? Well, take at these tips: Some basics: If you’re not sure what to do, you can start with: Some misc tips:


Are you making a cocktail party? Are you googling for cocktails, their ingredients and proportions? No need, I got you covered. I’ve prepared list of cocktails with their ingredients and recipes in a single, easy to read format. Here you go: Cuba Libre…


I have encountered the following problem: Nasty thing. It says, that HikariCP can not acquire a new database connection and it gave up after some 30 seconds. Where is the problem? Let’s try to simulate the problem. We want to query database and…


A while ago we’d created docker-compose.yml for Kafka and Zookeper. Today I’ve noticed the problem with the old configuration – it looks like it does not work properly with Test Containers. So, I have replaced the old configuration with Confluent’s Kafka and Zookeeper:…



Kai jau išmokome užmarinuoti paprastus šašlykus ir juos iškepti, reikia kažko naujo. Tad, pabandome užmarinuoti šašlykus su adžika. Receptas: 1 kg kiaulienos sprandinės 2 citrinos 4 sriubiniai šaukštai adžikos (galima nusipirkti parduotuvėje arba patiems pasigaminti) Kelios skiltelės česnako Druska / pipirai (pagal skonį).…

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Kadangi jau užsimarinavome šašlykus, dabar laikas juos iškepti. Tad, keletas patarimų, kaip kepti šašlykus: Šašlykai kepami ne ant ugnies, o ant žarijų. Jei šašlykus kepsite ant ugnies, jie sudegs. Žarijų turi būti tiek, kad palaikius ranką virš žarijų šašlykų kepimo lygyje, rankos negali…

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